Редактор списка каналов samsung

The Channel Editor for SAMSUNG Televisions.

Have you ever had the problem sorting your channels on a Samsung TV? Editing all the channels by using the remote can be annoying. Specially if you need to do bigger changes to your channel list. SamyCHAN is the solution. You can download your channel list to a USB-Stick and open it with SamyCHAN. Now you can easily edit all your channels. Isn’t that great?

Organize your TV’s channel lists (digital, analog, dvbc, . ) and resort your channels easily.


Edit your channel names


Build and modify your favorites.







Do you want to get some impressions of SamyCHAN in action? Here are some screens.

Have you just bought a brandnew hightech samsung television? Congratulations. Sorting the favorite channels is probably one of the first things you do. Nowadays, specially with hundreds or thounds of channels, this task can be a very cumbersome. Moving channels by using the remote, e.g. from #343 to #23, takes some time. To make things easier, i have written this tool. With SamyCHAN you can organize your channel list very comfortable.

Export your channel list as .SCM

Want to start now? No problem. Basically the procedure is the following:

  1. Export channel list (.scm) to a usb-stick
  2. Open it with SamyCHAN, edit and save it
  3. Import channel list (.scm) from usb-stick

Where do i find the export-option?

Every SAMSUNG television (at least since the b-series) has the posibility to export the channels. The magic option is transfer channel list . This options is sometimes a bit hidden.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Go to the main item Broadcasting
  3. Open channel settings (last item)
  4. choose transfer channel list
  5. enter your pin (default: 0000)

The Channel Editor for SAMSUNG Televisions.

Have you ever had the problem sorting your channels on a Samsung TV? Editing all the channels by using the remote can be annoying. Specially if you need to do bigger changes to your channel list. SamyCHAN is the solution. You can download your channel list to a USB-Stick and open it with SamyCHAN. Now you can easily edit all your channels. Isn’t that great?

Organize your TV’s channel lists (digital, analog, dvbc, . ) and resort your channels easily.


Edit your channel names


Build and modify your favorites.







Do you want to get some impressions of SamyCHAN in action? Here are some screens.

Have you just bought a brandnew hightech samsung television? Congratulations. Sorting the favorite channels is probably one of the first things you do. Nowadays, specially with hundreds or thounds of channels, this task can be a very cumbersome. Moving channels by using the remote, e.g. from #343 to #23, takes some time. To make things easier, i have written this tool. With SamyCHAN you can organize your channel list very comfortable.

Export your channel list as .SCM

Want to start now? No problem. Basically the procedure is the following:

  1. Export channel list (.scm) to a usb-stick
  2. Open it with SamyCHAN, edit and save it
  3. Import channel list (.scm) from usb-stick

Where do i find the export-option?

Every SAMSUNG television (at least since the b-series) has the posibility to export the channels. The magic option is transfer channel list . This options is sometimes a bit hidden.

  1. Open the Menu
  2. Go to the main item Broadcasting
  3. Open channel settings (last item)
  4. choose transfer channel list
  5. enter your pin (default: 0000)

Мой телевизор Samsung 40MU6400 (https://ammo1.livejournal.com/991642.html) сохраняет на флешку ZIP-архив, в котором лежат четыре файла без расширения со списками каналов разных типов в формате SQLite format 3. Это делается в меню телевизора "Трансляция — Дополнительные настройки — Передать список каналов — (ввести pin-код 0000) — Экспорт на USB".

Когда я занялся поиском программы для сортировки каналов, нашлось множество разных программ, но все они не понимали такой формат списка каналов (у Самсунгов разных поколений формат менялся). Нашлась только одна программа, которая поддерживает список каналов моего телевизора, а заодно телевизоров LG, Hisense, Panasonic и Toshiba. Она называется ChanSort_2017-11-30 и выложена на GitHub.

Помимо названий каналов программа показывает ещё много технической информации (частоты, номера мультиплексов, качество и другое). Можно не только сортировать, но и переименовывать каналы, скрывать ненужные каналы, создавать списки избранных каналов.

После сортировки программа создаёт файл, который нужно записать на флешку и "скормить" телевизору.

Для Samsung ещё нашёлся online-сервис сортировки каналов samychan.com, но там возможностей гораздо меньше.

Если вы смотрите телевизор и у вас современный Smart-TV, потратьте полчаса и отсортируйте каналы так, как вам удобно. Теперь это совсем не сложно и не утомительно.

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